Bruno Ruffo Homepage


Feste di Piazza Acqua & Viento Arrivi e Partenze
Feste di Piazza-2007 Acqua & Viento-2006 Arrivi e Partenze-2005

Venezia-San Giorgio Tristram Shandy J.Coltrane Blek Macigno Old Italian Bookmark
Vecchie Foto Letteratura Jazz Fumetti Segnalibri


The Life and Opinions of Bruno Ruffo

(Gentleman and Photographer!)

I was born in Naples on January 29, 1953. A brilliant student at Primary School ,  I was not so brilliant at Secondary School. Meantime I began to collect comics and paper bookmarks,  and to be very fond of music (above all Jazz,  but also Classical). 

Since 1971 I have had a great interest in Photography,  and with my Canon I began to take photos of the world around me,  expecially concerning human being and his image. 
I got a good degree in 1978,  in English Literature at the University of Naples,  but it has been of no use for my job. 

Then I made several works in the advertising field,  from Still Life to Landscapes,  and also reproductions of oil paintings .  For few years I was interested in Wedding Photos with good results but with little personal fulfillment ,  so I gave it up soon. 

About year 1980 I attended a Cobol Progamming Course,  and after getting the Certificate (in Cobol and Basic) ,  began the Programmer Period of my life.  During the next 15 years I've worked as a Programmer and Analyst for many companies. 

On August, 6th, 1983 I married Aurora (Who,  some years later,  was to become a Painter) and on August, 19th, 1990 my son Alessandro was born.  In 1991 I got a job in a Bank as an Analyst and Programmer but I never neglected all my interests. 

So, on May , 7th, 2005 I made a first Photos Exhibition, "Arrivals & Departures", in a big Bookstore of Naples ("GUIDA Merliani"). On May , 6th, 2006 I made a second Photos Exhibition, "Rain & Wind", in the same Bookstore. The last Exhibition is "Festival in the square"  . This time the Exhibition was on June, 8th-21st, 2007, in a very prestigious place "The Cloister of Santa Maria La Nova", an Historical Place of Naples.


Copyright © by Bruno Ruffo 1998-2016

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